Heeya offers a 14-day return option. If you want an exchange, you have 14 days after the date of receipt of the package to send us the product.
If you contact us after 14 days, or if the product has not reached us within the allotted time , returns cannot be accepted.
For a return to be accepted, the product must be new, unused, in its original condition and in its original packaging, as you received it.
Please do not send your product until you receive confirmation from support.
To be eligible for a return, please provide the following information to support:
- An email of your return request, sent to
within a maximum of 14 days after receipt. - 2-3 photos of the product (or video if necessary)
- An email explaining the reason for the return/refund request.
Once we have this information we can decide how to proceed.
If your request has been accepted, you will be quickly informed by email, and you will obtain all the details for returning the product.
Once we have received the product and inspected it, you will receive an email confirming that the product has been received.
If the return conditions have been respected and your return is complete, you will obtain a refund for your order. This will appear on your bank statement or Paypal account within 14 working days. The return costs are your responsibility.
Refunds will not be accepted for the following cases:
- If the package was not delivered because you provided a wrong address, or an incomplete address
- If the package has not been delivered due to circumstances beyond our control (natural disaster, snowfall, package stuck at customs)
- If the tracking says "Delivered" but you say you haven't received anything.
- If a postman does not leave you a delivery notice, and the package ends up being returned to the sender (you will need to file a complaint with the postal service in your country.
- For all deliveries outside Canada.
- For all orders made during FLASH Sale, exceptional discounts or with a promotional code.
- Other exceptional circumstances which are beyond the control of
We only exchange defective products. If you have received a defective product, please contact us by email at within 14 days after receipt of the product , and your product will be replaced as soon as possible after receipt of the evidence (photos, videos , etc).
If you wish to return a product, the return costs will be your responsibility.
For some cases where we are responsible, we will cover the return costs. For example if you do not receive the correct product ordered.
All products returned to us must be sent tracked to our parcel returns center to avoid any disputes. You can provide us with the tracking number of the returned product at
You must also provide the completed and printed return form in the package so that we can identify you and reimburse you.